St Comgalls Parish Fundraiser

In December, we donated a defibrillator to St Comgall’s Parish Centre in Bangor. St Comgall’s Parish held a Coffee+Connect morning to fundraise for the charity, and we are delighted to announce they raised £650. A big thank you to everyone involved in organising and donating!

Boxing Day Swim 2024

A massive thank you to everyone who participated in last year’s Boxing Day swim! Many thanks to Darren Wright for the video, available on YouTube:

Fundraiser at the Imperial Bar

On Saturday at the Imperial Bar, Bangor, a fantastic night of song and dance was held to raise money for our cause. It featured a host of performers including the Sunrise Sisters, Clanreagh, the McCleans, Bangor Ukes and the Reilly School. The event raised over £1800 which is an incredible amount. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who organised, performed, attended and donated!

Defibrillator donated to The Link

We were pleased to hand over a defibrillator to The Link in Newtownards today, and in return we received a very generous donation. Thank you for your contribution! We are happy to be able to provide life-saving defibrillators to our community.

Defibrillator Training

This morning we attended in-house training with Jim Poole, covering the basics of CPR and the use of an AED. We are very grateful for Jim’s time and expertise!

Scrabo Striders Quiz Night

Scrabo Striders recently held a quiz night in aid of the Danny Mills Heart Foundation. The quiz night raised over £800, bringing the total donated from Scrabo Striders to over £1400. This is an amazing amount, a big thank you to everyone involved!

Ballycrochan Defibrillator

We’re pleased to have provided a defibrillator to Jim this week, for the Ballycrochan community who raised a fantastic £800. Thank you! The defibrillator is located on Ballycrochan Road near the junction with Silverbirch Road.

Urgent Field Safety Notice

We’ve been made aware of an Urgent Field Safety Notice issued by Stryker, regarding HeartSine Samaritan and Omron defibrillators manufactured since 2016. According to the manufacturer, there is an issue that may affect audio prompts in some devices. If you have/maintain an affected HeartSine Samaritan or Omron defibrillator, Stryker recommends you check your device by powering it on and checking the audio prompts are working correctly. Full details and instructions (including which models and serial numbers are in scope) can be found in the link below.

Bryansburn Defibrillator

We’re pleased to announce the placement of a new defibrillator at The Bryansburn Bar and Grill in Bangor. An 80’s night was recently held and raised an amazing £1200 in donations! Thank you!